What makes for a good family law attorney

For many people, going through a family law proceeding is their first contact with the legal system.  A family law proceeding—whether a divorce, domestic violence restraining order, or child support request—can have great personal and financial consequences.  Someone at the start of this process finds himself or herself in an unfamiliar system at the same time the foundation of his or her personal life is being tossed up in the air.  It’s a little bit like trying to climb a mountain by yourself.  Sure, some people do it, but it doesn’t have to be this hard. 

We believe that a family law attorney should be like a sherpa.  Like the sherpa who guides a climber up and down a tall mountain, the family law attorney should have been down the path the client is facing many times before. The attorney should know which routes lead to quagmires and which routes are the most straightforward to get to your goal: the end of the stress, waste of time & money, and distraction that come with almost any contested family law case. 

The attorney cannot walk the path for you—you still have to go through your own unique journey.  However, we believe that a family law attorney should be by your side, guiding you every step of the way.  To be a successful guide, your family law attorney must bring many talents and skills to bear, such as:

  • the experience to help you get through the process as efficiently and successfully as possible

  • the empathy to understand your perspective and goals

  • the agility to adapt to new developments and find ways to achieve your goals

  • the drive to put your interests above all other concerns

  • the intellectual firepower to give you objective legal advice based on a thorough understanding of all the facts, circumstances, and relevant law, and

  • the tenacity to be an effective advocate for you. 

It could be that you are facing a divorce, a custody or support proceeding, a request for a restraining order, or even some other family law matter. Whatever the specifics, the matter is sure to have great significance in your life.  We believe everyone deserves an attorney who will be an essential guide throughout your journey.